Since fish is harvested from natural
water bodies including farms, it harbors a number of micro-organisms found in
the environment from where it is caught. These native micro-organisms may
include fish spoilage bacteria as well as certain pathogens of aquatic origin.
In addition to these inherent microorganisms, the fish can get contaminated
with other microorganisms during handling, transportation and processing, right
from the point of catch to the end product. These microorganisms include both pathogenic
and non-pathogenic bacteria. The pathogenic microorganism can be hazardous to
the health of the consumer. The most important pathogens which gain entry into
the fish during handling, transportation and processing are Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, Staphylococcus
aureus and Listeria monocytogen.
In addition, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens and
Bacillus cereus may also gain entry to the fish.
In order to
determine the acceptability of fish as well as selfish, the assessment of their
microbial quality is necessary. The microbial parameters that are generally
assessed to determine their consumer acceptability and safety are the following,
Total plate count (TPC)
Total Entrobacteriaceae count (includes all Coliforms, Salmonella
& Shigella)
Escherichia coil (E.coli)
Staphylococcus aureus
Faecal streptococci
The level of the total bacteria (TPC) will indicate the
freshness of the products, as well as their potential shelf life. The type of
bacteria in the product can give information regarding how the product has been
handled or processed. A high bacterial count indicates the level of
contamination of the product, unsuitable conditions of storage, the extent of
spoilage, etc. Hence TPC gives overall
picture of quality of product. A TPC of 106/g or above is considered
as a proof of quality of the product.
The TPC can
be determined by microscopic or cultural method is preferred for determination
of TPC because it gives an estimate of viable (live) cells. A suitable culture media, like Tryptone Glucose Ager
(TGA) or plate count agar is generally used for determination of TPC. Live
bacterial cells are capable of forming colonies on a suitable solid medium. This
property of the bacteria is made use of the determination of TPC.
Total Entrobacteriaceae
count and total fecal streptococci count gives an indication to whether there
was any fecal contamination in the fish at any stage; E.coli is a direct fecal
indicator organism. Staphylococcus aureus can arise mainly from the human
handlers; Salmonella and V. cholerae are pathogenic organisms, implicated in
food-borne infections.
Table 1 gives the various microbial parameters to be studied
for fish products and the media used for their sampling.
Parameter medium
Total plat count (TPC) Tryptone
glucose agar (TGA)
Total Entrobacteriaceae count
(Include all Coliforms, salmonella violate
red bile glucose agar (VRBGA)
& Shigella)
Escherichia coli (E-coli) Tergitoll 7 agar (T 7)
Staphylococcus aureus Baired
parker medium (BP)
Fecal Staphylococci Kenner fecal Staphylococci
agar (KF)
Salmonella A
set of media
Vibrio cholera
set of media
Total plate count (TPC)
In the procedure for sampling for TPC, a known quantity of
the sample is macerated well with a know volume of a suitable diluents and one
ml of the appropriate dilutions are cultured in the plating medium. For this
10g of the sample is mixed with 90 ml diluents or 25 g sample with 225 ml diluents i.e.1 part sample
with nine parts diluents (i.e. 1+9=1:10 ratio). This gives 10 times dilution of
the sample, i.e. 10-1 dilution. For further dilution, 1ml from 10-1
dilution is mixed with 9 ml of the diluents (10-2 dilution) and so
on to get the appropriate dilutions for plating. This type of dilution is
called serial decimal dilution. Usually, 3 dilutions are plated in duplicate or
triplicate. The selection of the dilutions sampling depend on the bacterial
load in the sample i.e. highly contaminated or spoiled samples require higher
dilutions than a very fresh one.
10g of the sample
is aseptically cut into a sample dish and macerated with 90ml normal saline (NS)
in a sterile glass mortar. (Alternatively, 25g sample is blended with 225ml NS
in a stomacher blender)
Sampling scheme
10g sample +90ml NS:
10-1 dilution
1ml+ 9ml NS: 10-2
dilution (0.5 ml each to BP and T 7; 1ml each to KF and VRBGA)
1ml +9ml Ns:10-3
dilution (0.5ml each to BP, T 7;1 ml each to KF, VRBGA and TGA)
1ml +9ml NS; 10-4
dilution (1ml to TGA)
1ml+9ml NS; 10-5 dilution
(1ml to TGA)
For compositions of media refer any standard manual on
Microbiological methods for food analysis.
TPC: Pour plating on
TGA, 1ml of 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 dilutions in
duplicate is recommended. For KF and VRBGA, pour plating technique is followed.
One ml each of 10-2 and 10-3 dilutions is plated. For T7
and BP, pre- set plates have to be prepared 100ml Tergitol-7 agar (T 7) is melted
in water bath, cooled to about 500 c and aseptically added 0.25ml of
1% sterile TTC solution. Poured into sterile Petri dishes (15-20ml each,)
allowed to set and dried at 560C for 45 min. Cooled to room Temperature
100ml Baird –Parker medium (BP) is melted & cooled to
about 500C; aseptically added 1ml of sterile 1% potassium telluride
solution, followed by 5ml of 50% egg yolk
emulsion. Mixed well, poured into sterile petridishes, and allowed to
set; dried at 560C for 45 min. cooled to RT.
Arrange 6 petridishes for TGA & 4 each of KF and VRBGA.
Also, arrange 4 plates each of preset T- 7 and BP agar. Label appropriately,
viz: sample name, dilution, medium, and date.
For TGA, KF and VRBGA, 1ml each of the appropriate dilutions
are pipetted and pour plated with the corresponding medium. Plates are allowed to set, inverted and
incubated at 37®C.
For T 7 and BP plates, 0.5ml each of the appropriate
dilutions are surface plated using sterile bent glass rod. Plates are inverted and incubated 37®C for 18-24 hrs. The plates are
examined after the incubation. Observe
VRBGA and T 7 plates after 18-24hrs.
Observations and
VRBGA plates:-
Red, small (2-4 mm dia) colonies are counted as
Entrobacteriaceae colonies. Take average count of duplicate plates.
VRBGA is a medium considered specific for Entrobacteriaceae,
which includes the Coliform group, Salmonella, Klebsilla and Citrobacter. All
these bacteria ferment glucose with the production of acid. The medium contains neutral red which turns
red in presence of acid. So, all glucose
fermenting colonies appear red.
Total Entrobacteriaceae count / g = Average count x dilution
T 7 plates
E. coli colonies are lime yellow, occasionally with rust
brown center and a yellow zone around.
(Note: Yellow slimy, raised or convex colonies are not be considered as
E. coli colonies.) Take average of duplicate plates.
E. coli/g =Average count x2 x dilution factor. Average count is multiplied by two because
only 0.5ml of the sample dilution was added to the plates.
Tergitol-7 agar containing TTC is a selective and
differential medium for Escherichia coli
and Enterobacter aerogenes, which
allow their detection in 18-24 hrs. So,
this medium has been recommended for routine analysis of water and food. The Tergitol-7, in the medium inhibits the
growth of Gram positive bacteria. E.
coli ferment lactose to produce acid, which change the color of bromothymol
blue from green to yellow. E. coli does not reduce TTC, but other Coliform
and Enterobacter aerogenes reduce TTC to red dye formazan. Hence, E. coli colonies will appear yellow,
with depended yellow center and with a yellow halo around. Colonies with a red tinged center should not
be confused for E. coli.
Confirmation of E.coli.
The lime yellow colonies, occasionally with rust brown center
and a yellow zone around, on T 7 plates are counted as E. coli; however, to confirm them as E. coli, the following
procedure has to be adopted.
Streak on Eosin -Methylene Blue (EMB) agar
EMB agar is melted, cooled to 50®C, poured
into Petri dishes and allowed to set. The set plates are dried at 56®C for 45
min and cooled to room temperature.
Typical yellow colonies from T 7 plates are picked with a sterile
platinum loop and streaked on to EMB plates, by the streak-dilution method,
incubated at 37®C for 18-24 hrs. Well
isolated colonies, 2-3mm dia with a
greenish metallic sheen by reflected light and dark purple center by
transmitted light is picked and subcultured on TGA slants and incubated at 37®C
for 18-24 hrs. The green metallic sheen
on EMB agar is caused by the precipitation of methylene blue in acid pH due to
lactose fermentation by E.coli
IMViC tests
From the TGA slants above, inoculate
to the following media.
a) Tryptone broth (Indole medium)
Inoculate a little of the culture to Tryptone broth and incubate at 37®C for 48 hrs.
medium: Inoculate each culture into 2 tubes of MRVP medium and incubate at 37®C for
48 hrs.
citrate Agar:- streak a little of culture to Simmons citrate agar slants and
incubate at 370C for 48 hrs.
Observe results after 48 hrs. of incubation.
Tryptone broth
Test for indole production using
Kovac’s indole reagent (add 0.5 ml and shake, allow to stand). A red or pink colour at top indicates
positive test. Indole forms red dye with
p-dimethyl amino benzaldehyde of the Kovac’s reagent.
MR Test
one tube, add Methyl Red indicator. A red color indicates positive MR test. E.coli Ferments glucose to produce acid,
which brings down pH of the medium to less than 4.4 indicated by the red color
of methyl red indicator. If the color is orange, pH is 5.0-5.8 and if yellow,
pH is more than 6.0.
VP Test
1ml of the culture from the second tube, do the VP test (To 1ml culture, add
0.6ml 5% α -napthol and 0.2ml 40% KOH, add a pinch of creatine and mix, allow
to stand up to 4hrs.). Eosin pink color indicates positive VP test. As an end
product of glucose fermentation, some bacterial groups produce acetyl methyl
carbinol (acteoin). Addition of potassium hydroxide oxidizes this compound to
diacetyl which gives an eosin red colour with guanidine nucleus present in
peptone in presence of α- napthol. The reaction is accelerated by the addition
of creatine.
Simmons citrate agar
Growth indicated by a
change in colour of the medium from green to blue indicates a positive test for
citrate utilization by bacterial culture. A positive growth indicate that citrate
is utilized as the sole source of carbon, and the colour of the medium turns
blue due the alkaline pH produce by the growth of bacteria. E-coli do not utilize citrate and hence
give a negative reaction.
Culture giving the following results is confirmed
as E-coli.
Indole positive
Methyl red positive
VP negative
Citrate negative
i.e., IMViC: + + - -
Eijkman’s test:
This is used as an optional confirmatory
test for E-coli. E-coli culture will grow and produce gas in EC both at 44.5 +
0.50 C in 24-48 hrs.
BP agar plates
Observe after 36-48 hrs. Staphylococcus aureus colonies are black with
thin white margin and a zone of clearance around.
Staphylococcus aureus count per gram = Average count x 2 x
dilution factor
Average count is multiplied by two since the quantity of
sample dilution added is only 0.5 ml.
On BP agar, Glycine, lithium chloride
and tellurite suppress of the growth of bacteria other than Staphylococcus spp.
S. aureus reduces tellurite to form
grey black or black shiny colonies. A clearance zone around the colonies is
produced by the action of lecithinase present in S. aureus on the egg yolk. By
the action of lipases /phospholipases on lipids or phospholipids S. aureus
produces a white precipitate as a margin around the blank colonies. Typical S.
aureus gives all the above three characteristics; but the white margin may not
be produced by all strains of S. aureus.
Confirmation of Staphylococcus aureus-
S. aureus is
confirmed by Coagulase test, Coagulase is a thrombin like substance which
coagulates blood plasma. Most of the pathogenic S. aureus produce Coagulase.
Difco Bacto-coagulase –EDTA is used for the test. To 0.5 ml. of Coagulase
reagent in a small sterile test tube, add 2 drops of 24 hrs. old bacterial
culture (grown in Brain Hearth Infusion broth, BHI; incubate in a serological
water bath at 370C . Observe every 30 min up to 4 hrs. Coagulation (jell
formation) of the contents of the tube indicates a positive reaction for Coagulase.
KF Agar plates-
Observe after 36-48 hrs. Count all
surface and sub-surface red to pink colonies (some will be with a thin white
margin) as faecal streptococci. On KF agar, the sodium azide accts as a
selective agent and streptococci reduces TTC to give red colored formazan dye.
Confirmation of faecal
Faecal streptococci (enterococci)
group include Streptococci faecalis and
Streptococcus faecium.
They are confirmed by catalase test. Pick 5-6 typical
colonies from KF agar to BHI broth and incubate at 36 + 10C
for 24-48 hrs. Mix 3ml of the culture with 0.5 ml of dilute Hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2). (Usually H2O2 is available as 30 vol/vol solution, i.e. 30% . Dilute 2 ml to 5 ml with
distilled water for the test). Note the evaluation of gas bubble (oxygen). No evaluation
of gas bubble indicates negative reaction. Faecal streptococci are catalase
negative. A negative result in catalase test confirms faecal streptococci.
MPN method for Coliform -
Coliform, including E. coli are determined by Most Probable
Number (MPN) method, when present in very low numbers.
The plating methods have limitations
to detect low numbers of bacteria in water or food, because the inoculums size
is only one ml./ Petri dish. Pathogenic or indicator bacteria may not be
present in sufficient large numbers in water or food to be detected by planting
methods. For example, in the case of potable water permitted level of Coliform
is less than one per 100 ml. In such cases, MPN methods are used, where larger
volumes of sample can be used for inoculation. MPN is only a statistical
approximation of the test bacteria in the given sample and not the actual
number. MPN is defined as “that bacterial density which, if it had
been actually present in the sample would, more frequently than any other, have
given the observed analytical results” (Hoskns & Butterfield).
Usually an MPN method is used to detect Coliform bacteria in water or food
provided the expected number of these bacteria in the food product is less than
103 per gram. Otherwise the result may not be meaningful. MPN method
for Coliform is a three step process and all the media used are liquid media.
Step I: (for presumptive total Coliform)
1. Double strength Macconkey broth (DSMC
broth) -50 ml -1 flask
2. Double strength Macconkey broth (DSMC
broth) -10ml -5 Tubes
3. single strength Macconkey broth (SSMC
broth) -10 ml -10 Tubes
4. 10 ml and 1 ml pipettes
5. Serological water bath at 370C
and 44.50C.
6. Incubator at 370C.
Arrange the DS and SS Macconkey
broths in a test tube rack. 50 ml of the given water sample is inoculated into
50 ml. DSMC broth, 10ml each of the water sample is inoculate into 5 tubes DSMC
broth, 1 ml each into 5 tubes of SS MC broth. Make a decimal dilution of the
water sample by adding 1 ml of the water to 9 ml of normal saline and add 1 ml
each of the first dilution (equivalent 0.1 ml of the original sample) to the
next five tubes of SS MC broth. Labels appropriately, incubate in the
serological water bath at 370 C for 24 hrs.
After 24 hrs, observe the tubes for
growth and gas production. If the colour of the MC broth has turned towards
yellow with gas production in Durham ’s
tubes, the reaction is noted as positive. Note the result as numbers of
positive in each set of 50ml, 10ml,1 ml and 0.1ml tubes. Compare the result
with standard MPN table (for 5 tubes MPN) and note the MPN values for
presumptive total Coliform.
Step- II (for confirmed total Coliform)
Inoculate one loopful of culture from the positive tubes of
step-I, to BGLB 2% broth and mark with the corresponding label. Incubate at 370
C in a serological water bath for 24 hrs. note growth and gas production. Results
are noted as positives if there are growth and gas production. Compare with 5
tube MPN table and obtain the result as MPN conformed total Coliforms.
Step- III (for faecal Coliform and E-coli)
From the positive tubes of step-II,
inoculate one loopful each to EC broth and Tryptone broth (indole medium). Label
appropriately. Incubate at 44.50 + 0.50 C for 24 hrs.
EC broth:
Note growth and gas production.
Note the number of positives in each set. Compare with 5 tube MPN tables. The value
obtained gives MPN faecal Coliform.
Tryptone broth: Test for indole production by
adding 4 drops of Kovac’s indole reagent. A pink or red colour at the top layer
indicates a positive test for Indole. Note the number of positives in each set.
Compare with 5 tubes MPN table. Coliform bacteria which produce gas in EC broth
and indole in Tryptone broth at 44.5 + 0.50 C are considered as E.coli.
Detection and
confirmation of pathogens in seafood
The genus Salmonella belongs to the
family Entrobacteriaceae. The bacterium
is Gram negative. It is motile due to
the presence of Peritrichous flagella (with a few exceptions). At present more than 2000 serotypes of
Salmonella are known to exist.
From the epidemiological point of
view, Salmonella can be classified into three main groups. The first group is the Typhoid group
comprising of Salmonella typhi and S. paratyphi A and C. They infect only man and are spread either
directly or indirectly (via food and water) from person to person. The second group is mainly a veterinary group
which includes serovars that are host adapted for particular species of
vertebrates, e.g., S. gallinarum in
poultry, S. dublin
in cattle, S. choleraesuis in swine. Some
of these are also pathogenic to man (especially
S. dublin , S. choleraesuis). The third
group is the food poisoning group (non-typhoid group) which contains the majority
of other salmonella serovars with known particular host preference. They infect
both man and animal. This third group includes the principal agents of
salmonellosis i.e. gastroenteritis due to salmonella. Fish and fish products
are only occasionally associated with salmonellosis although fish meal for
animal feed often contain salmonella as a result of contamination from rodent
and birds. Filter feeding shellfish harvested from polluted waters and frozen
pre-cooked prawns have been identified as higher risk products.
Detection and
identification of salmonella
Pre- enrichment
Macerate 25g of the fish/prawn sample
with 225ml of pre-enrichment medium (lactose broth/buffered peptone water
/nutrient broth). Incubate at 36 + 10 C for 18-24 hrs.
Pipette 1ml of culture from the Pre-enrichment medium (above)
to 10ml of selective enrichment medium (Selenite Cysteine broth and
tetrathionate broth). Incubate at 36 +10C for 18-24 hrs.
Selective Plating
Streak one loop full from the selective enrichment medium
(above) on to pre-dried selective plating medium, Viz. (I) Brilliant green agar
(BGA), (II) Bismuth Sulphite agar (BSA), (III) Hekton’s enteric Agar ( HEA),
(IV) Xylose lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD). Incubate at 36 + 10C
for 24 hrs.
Examine the plats for
typical salmonella colonies
Salmonella colonies will appear as follows on each of the
selective agar
BGA: (smooth, low, convex, moist pink colonies, surrounding
medium bright red)
All salmonella spp. except S. typhi are recovered on BGA. The medium
contain lactose and sucrose as sugar and phenol red as acid base indicator
brilliant green suppresses gram + ve bacteria. Salmonella (and other bacteria)
which do not ferment lactose and sucrose form red pink white, opaque colonies surrounded
by brilliant red zones lactose / sucrose fermenting organisms like E-coli / Klebsilla / Enterobacter group
may form yellow per greenish yellow
colonies with intense yellow green zones (usually, they are inhabited by brilliant green).
Brown, gray to black colonies with
metallic sheen, surrounding medium brown to black. This medium contains glucose
as the fermenting sugar. Brilliant green and Bismuth sulphite suppress the
growth of Gram positive organisms and Coliform, while permitting growth of salmonella, including S. typhi. The metallic ions (Bi++ and Fe++)
present in the medium stains the salmonella
colonies and surrounding medium black or brown in presence of H2S. Salmonella forms brown /black colonies
with metallic sheen and surrounding medium turns brown/black. Coliform and
other members of Entrobacteriaceae are inhibited on BSA, but occasionally, dull
green or brown colonies without metallic sheen may be formed.
Colonies are blue-green with black
centre. This medium contains the sugars, lactose, sucrose and salicin. Acid fuchsine
and bromothymol blue act as acid /base indicators and ferric salt as H2S
indicators. Salmonella do not ferment
these three sugars. Hence salmonella
colonies on HEA are blue-green with or without black centre (H2S
production). Shigella appears as green moist raised colonies. Coliform and
other lactose /sucrose /salicin fermenters produce salmon –pink or orange colonies.
may produce Salmonella-like colonies.
Colonies Red (pink) with or without
black centers. Xylose, lactose, sucrose and lysine are the critical ingredients
of XLD. Phenol red is the acid-base indicator and ferric ammonium citrate, the
H2S indicator. Salmonella do not ferment sucrose and lactose, but rapidly utilize Xylose, changing
the pH of medium to acidic range, but the active decarboxylation of lysine by salmonella produces the base cadavenine,
which neutralizes the acidic pH and changes the reaction to alkaline.
Hence Salmonella colonies will appear
red (pink) with or without black centre (due to H2S production by
certain salmonella spp.) Other
members of the Entrobacteriaceae
(like E.coi) ferment sugars and
produce yellow opaque colonies.
Caution: - Shigella form
red colonies on XLD.
Inoculation to Triple
sugar Iron (TSI) agar, Lysine Iron Agar (LIA) and Urea agar:-
Select 2 or 3 typical (or suspected) colonies form each
selective agar. Lightly touch the center of the colony to be picked with
sterile needle. Inoculate TSI agar by streaking the slant and stabbing the butt. Without flaming the needle,
inoculate LIA by stabbing the butt twice and then streaking the slant. Incubate
at 36 + 10C, TSI for 24 hrs and LIA for 48 hrs. Inoculate
urea agar slants by streaking and incubate at 36 +10C, for 24
hrs. Observe the reaction. Salmonella gives the following reactions.
TSI – Alkaline (red) slant acid (yellow)
butt with or without blackening (due to H2S), sometimes breaking of
the agar (gas production).
The TSI agar contains 3
sugars- Glucose
(0.1%) sucrose and lactose (1% each), with phenol red (acid base indicator) and
ferric citrate (H2S indicator). Two types of sugar reaction take
place- aerobic in the slant (slope) and anaerobic in the butt. Salmonella
readily ferments glucose, but lactose and sucrose are not fermented. In the
slant, salmonella gives either alkaline reaction (red) or no change, even
though it is glucose fermentative. This is because, in the thin area of slope, the
amount of glucose is very low and the acid produced in the beginning gets
neutralized by the alkaline products of amino acid metabolism. But in the butt,
there is a higher volume of medium and hence higher quantity of glucose. Hence
the acid produced does not get neutralized soon and the butt is acidic
(yellow). All the salmonella give
alkaline slant and acid butt. Most of the salmonella strain (except S. typhi) produces gas indicated by
break in medium. H2S produced by most of the Salmonella (except S. typhi and S. paratyphi) indicated by black. Some time black color masks the
acid production in the butt.
LIA – Alkaline (purple) butt and slant.
A distinct yellow (acid) in butt
indicate negative reaction. Other reaction should be considered suspected positives.
A black precipitate indicates H2S production fermentation of
glucose, decarboxylation of lysine and H2S production are detected
in LIA. Bromocresol purple (BCP) is the acid base indicator and ferric citrate
is included for testing H2S production. Possible reactions in the
media are acid production indicated by yellow colour, alkaline reaction
indicated by purple colour, no reaction indicated by red colour and H2S
production indicated by black colour. Salmonella ferments glucose and rapidly
decarboxylates lysine. So, gives alkaline reaction (purple colour) in both
slant and butt (acid from glucose in totally neutralized by bases from lysine
Urea agar:- No colour change
Positive growth with no change of
colour indicates a urea’s negative reaction. Growth with pink colour indicates
a urease positive reaction. The phenol red indicator in the media turns red in
alkaline pH due to the production of ammonia by hydrolysis of urea by bacteria
possessing urease enzyme. Salmonella do not possess urease and hence gives a
negative reaction.
Retain all culture giving typical reactions in TSI, LIA and Urea agar.
For salmonella by biochemical test
biochemical test, purify the culture by streaking on Macconkey agar, by
streak dilution method. Typical salmonella colonies will be transparent and colorless.
(Occasionally with dark center). Pick the typical colonies to NA slants and
incubate at 36 + 10 C.
Biochemical tests
Inoculate the following media
for biochemical tests.
1. Lysine decarboxylase
2. Malonate
3. Indole
medium (Tryptone broth)
4. Glucose
5. Lactose
6. Sucrose
7. Dulcitol
8. Salicin
medium (2 tubes; one each for MR and VP tests)
10. Simmons’s
citrate agar.
Also test for Grams reaction and motility.
Table2. Reaction of salmonella
1. Gram’s
stain Gram negative; short rods
2. Motility
3. TSI Alkaline
slant, Acid Butt, H2S positive, Gas Positive
4. LIA Alkaline
slant, alkaline Butt, H2S positive
5. Urease Negative
6. Indole Negative
7. Glucose Acid and Gas
8. Lactose Negative
9. Sucrose Negative
10. Dulcitol
Acid and Gas
11. Salicin Negative
12. MR Test positive
13. VP test Negative
14. Lysine
decarboxylase Positive
15. Malonate
utilization Negative
16. Citrate Positive
Serological confirmation
culture giving typical biochemical reactions are confirmed by agglutination
test with salmonella polyvalent somatic (0) antiserum.
Mark two
section about 1x2 cm each on a glass slide. Emulsify a loopful of the isolated
culture with 2ml of 0.85% saline in a test tube. Add one drop of culture
suspension to both the marked section on the slide. Add one drop of saline
solution to one section only. Add one drop of the salmonella polyvalent O antiserum
to the other section only. Using a loop mix culture suspension with saline
solution in one section and with the antiserum on the other section. Tilt
mixture in back and forth motion for 1 min and observe against dark background
in good illumination. Consider any degree of agglutination i.e., clumping
together of the bacterial cell as a positive reaction.
Positive: Agglutination in test
mixture; no agglutination in saline control
Negative: No agglutination in
test mixture; no agglutination in saline control.
Nonspecific: Agglutination in
test and in control mixture.
Vibrio cholera
V. cholera comes
under the genus Vibrio belonging to
the family Vibrionaceae. V. cholera is
divided into 2 biotypes classical and El Tor based on certain biochemical
properties. Each biotype of V. cholera is
further classified into 2 sub-group based on the somatic (0) antigenic profile
as 01 and non 01 based on agglutination with specific 0 antisera. V.cholera “O”
group has three known serotype each possessing distinct antigenic factor. They
are Ogava, Inaba and Hikojima with O antigenic factors AB, AC and ABC
Detection and identification
25 gm of
sample is blended with 225 ml alkaline peptone water (APW); transfer
aseptically to a sterile 500 ml conical flask and incubate at 36± 10
on Thiosulphate Citrate Bile salt Sucrose agar (TCBS agar)
6-8 hours and 16-24 hours of incubation (do not shake the flask) streak loopful
from the surface growth (Pellicle) on to pre-set TCBS agar. Incubate the TCBS
plates at 36 + 10 C for 18-24 hrs. Examine the plates for
typical V. cholera colonies.
Typical V. cholera colonies are large (2-3 mm dia), smooth, yellow slightly
flattened with opaque centers and translucent peripheries (Vibrio spp. Do not form tiny, creamy yellow colonies on TCBS).
Pick typical colonies (2-3) to Nutrient Agar
Slants (NA) and incubate 36 + 10 C for 24 hrs.
Triple Sugar Iron (TSI) and Kligler Iron
Agar (KIA)
into TSI and KIA by stabbing butt and streaking slant. Incubate at 36 +
10 C for 18-24 hrs.
Observe for typical reaction of V.
TSI - Acidic Slant (yellow) and
Acidic butt (yellow); No blackening
KIA – Alkaline Slant (red) and
acidic butt (yellow); No blackening
On TSI, V. cholerae ferments both glucose and sucrose, but not lactose and
it do not produce gas and H2S. Hence both slant and butt will turn
yellow due to acid production from glucose and sucrose.
contains glucose (0.1%0 and lactose (1%) with phenol red indicator. The level
of glucose in the thin slant area is so low that the acid produced by V. cholerae by fermentation will be
neutralized by the bases produced from peptones during bacterial growth. So,
slant will be red (alkaline). But in the butt, the acid produced will be in
sufficiently large quantity and will not be completely neutralized by bases at
the end of 24hrs. So, the butt will be yellow (acidic).
Cultures giving typical
reactions are confirmed as V. cholera
by biochemical tests.
Biochemical tests
Salt tolerance
into T1N0 and T1N3 broths and
incubate at 36 +10 C for 18-24 hrs. V. cholerae will grow in T1 N0 and T1N3
broths. (T1N0 contains zero salt and T1N3
contains 3%salt)
(Note: Some V. cholera Non 01 will grow only at T1N3)
H and L glucose O/F test
by stabbing with a long needle, into H&L glucose O/F medium and incubate at
36 +0 C for 18-24 hrs. A yellow colour throughout, indicates
a fermentative reaction typical of Vibrio spp. Vibrios do not produce gas.
Cytochrome oxidase test
Vibrio cholera gives a positive test for
cytochrome oxidase.
Gram reaction and motility:- V.
cholera is gram negative short or curved rods and actively motile.
Fermentation of carbohydrates
Inoculate the following sugar
media and incubate at 36+10C for 48 hrs.
(i) Glucose, (ii) Sucrose (iii) Arabinose (iv) Mannose (v) Mannitol
(vi) Inositol
Examine for the production of acid and gas from these medium.
Decarboxylase tests
Inoculate the following three
amino acid media, add sterile liquid paraffin (approximately 1cm height) and incubate at 36± 10 C for
4 days. Examine for colour change.
A change of colour to purple
(alkaline) indicates a positive test for decarboxylation. A yellow colour (acid)
indicates negative test.
Lysine decarboxylase medium
Arginine dihydrolase medium
Ornithine decarboxylase medium
The medium
contains 0.1% glucose in addition to the test amino acid. In the initial stages
glucose is fermented to produce acid (yellow). On further incubations, bases
produced by amino acid decarboxylation changes the pH to alkaline, producing
purple colour. So if yellow colour is obtained, continue incubation for 4 days
for a conclusion.
Sensitivity to vibriostatic agent O/129.
Vibrios are sensitive to the
vibriostatic agent 0/129 (2,4-Diamino-6,7- diisopropyl pteridine
phosphate). Sensitivity of Vibrio
cholerae to two levels of O/129, viz. 10 microgram and 150 microgram, are
tested. Vibrio cholerae is sensitive
to both the levels of O/129.
heavy inoculums of the test culture is smeared uniformly on the surface of
pre-set Nutrient Agar (NA) plate. One disk each containing 10 Mg and 150 Mg. O/129
compound is placed in each half of the seeded plate and incubated at 36± 10C
for 24hrs. A zone of clearance around the disk indicates sensitivity to that
level of O/129.
Serological confirmation
culture indentified as V.cholerae by cultural
and biochemical characteristics as above are confirmed as V.Cholerae by agglutination test using polyvalent V.cholerae, O.antiserum.
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