
Monday 20 May 2013




II nd Year B.V.Sc. and A.H.
Course  No : ANN-221                                                           Credits : 2+1=3
Title : Livestock feeding         ( Applied Nutrition -I )
 Fill in the blanks.
1.      In his feeding standards------------ for first time considered the composition of milk in deciding the nutrient requirement for milk production.  (Haecker )
2.       Proximate principle viz. ---------- is not  considered in estimating TDN value of feed. ( Total ash )
3.      True digestibility  of protein is always --------  than the apparent digestibility . (More )
4.      Colostrum is lower in ----------- content than milk. (Lactose )
5.       Colostrum is valuable for newborn for its -------- content. ( Antibody / Immunoglobulin )
6.      CP content of broiler starter feed is ------ than the broiler finisher feed.      ( More )
7.      Cotton seed cake contains anti-nutritional factor known as  ---------.         ( Gossypol )
8.      Fish meal is a good source of ----------- amino acids. (Essential  )
9.      ---------- is commonly used NPN source used in livestock feeding. ( Urea )
10.   ---- is an example of laboratory animal used in nutritional experiments. ( Rat/  Mice / Guinea pig )
11.  -------- and --- are the sulfur containing amino acids in the ration of mono-gastric animals. ( Methionine and cystine )
12.  Finisher broilers are supplied with ----------- energy in feed than broiler starter.  (More )
13.  Nutritive value of tree leaves is affected generally by its anti-nutritional viz.--------------. (Tannin )
14.  Proximate principle viz. ----------is not considered in the estimation of TDN value of feed. ( NFE )
15.  Raw soybean contains anti-nutritional factor known as ----------.( Trypsin inhibitor )
16.   Nutritive value of cereal grains is-------- than leguminous seeds.(Wider )
17.  Cellulose cannot be digested normally by ---- species.  ( Non-ruminant / Monogastric animals )
18.  ---------- is an example of internal indicator used in digestibility studies.   ( Silica / Lignin )
19.  Grower chick requires --------- protein in the ration than starter. (Less )
20.  ------------- is a purified source of fat. (Oil )
21.  ------------- is a purified source of carbohydrates. ( Starch )
22.  ------------- is a purified source of protein. (Casein )
23.  Fat produces ----------- times  more energy when compared with that of carbohydrates. (2.25 )
24.  Daily DM intake of lactating cross bred cow is in range of -------------- kg. ( 2-2.5 )
25.  Heat increment value of roughage is  ---------- than that of concentrate in ruminants.
       ( More )
26.   Nutritional disorder observed in piglets due to iron deficiency is known as ------------. ( Piglet anemia )
27.  Crazy chick disease is caused due to deficiency of -----. ( Pyridoxin / Vitamin -B6 )
28.  ------ is an  example of  good binding agent used commonly in livestock feeds.
               (  Molasses )
29.  ----- feeding standards are better for Indian Livestock. ( Indian  / ICAR / Sen and Ray, Ranjhan )
30.  ---- experiment is preferred for meat type of studies. ( Slaughter )
31.  -------- is a biological protein source. ( Casein / Albumin)
32.  Calcium requirement of chick mash is ------- than layer mash. (Lower )
33.  ------ is anti-nutritional factor present in salseed meal. ( Tannin )
34.  Subabul seeds contain anti-nutritional factor  known as --------. ( Mimosine ) 
35.  Physiological fuel values are otherwise known as ------ . ( Atwaters physiological fuel values )
36.   The  percent DM consumption in a young growing calf is--------- than that of adult cows.  ( More )
37.   Total nutrient requirement for growth is --------- than the maintenance requirement of same species. ( more )
38.  Energy concentration of solvent extracted oil seed cake is relatively ---- as compared to expeller processed oil seed cakes. ( Lower  )
39.  Toxicity of dietary lysine is overcome by increasing the level of ------.     ( Arginin )
40.  The duration of collection period  mandatory in conducting digestion and metabolism trials is ---------. ( 7 to 10 days )
41.  Mahua seedcake contains anti-nutritional factor ------.( Mowrin )
42.  Babul seed powder  contains anti-nutritional factor ------. (Mimosin )
43.  Guar seed meal  contains anti-nutritional factor ------. (Saponin )
44.  Mango seed kernel contains anti-nutritional  factor -------------. ( Tannin )
45.  Water hyacinth contains anti-nutritional  factor -------------. (Oxalates )
46.  Pregnancy allowance is recommended during --------- of pregnancy.  ( Last one third )
47.  Fungal toxin, viz. ----- is likely to be present in poorely stored groundnut cake.
 ( Aflatoxins )


Define the following

1. Roughages
2. Concentrates
3. Total digestible nutrients
4. Pre-experimental period
5. Feeding schedule
6. Thumb rule
7. Creep mixture
8. Digestibility
9. Flushing
10. Steaming up
11. Ration
12. Balanced ration
13. Growth
14. Piglet anemia
15. Maintenance
16. Browsing
17. Scavenging
18. Stringy wool
19. By-pass protein
20. Milk fever
21. Piglet anemia


Answer in one sentence

1.      Name one amino acid  and one mineral concerned with healthy wool production.
Ans :  Methionine or Cystine amino acid and  Copper mineral 
2.      State two protein concentrate sources of plant origin used in buffalo feeding.
Ans : Groundnut cake / Cotton seed cake /Sunflower cake
3.      Name deficiency factor responsible for  piglet anemia.
Ans : Iron
4.      Name any two laboratory animals used for nutritional trials /  experiments.
Ans : Rat / Rabbit/ Mice / Guinea pigs
5.      State two important characters of ideal indicator used for digestibility study.
i)  It should be inert in the digestive tract .
ii) It should not have any pharmacological action.
iii) It should be non-absorbable .
6.       Name one internal indicator and one external indicator.
Ans :Inter indicator : Silica / Lignin
        External indicator : Chromic oxide
7.      How much urea can be incorporated in the concentrate mixture of cows according to B.I.S.
Ans : 2 %
8.      Name two animal origin protein sources.
Ans : Fish meal  / Meat meal / Blood meal.
9.      Name two chemicals used to improve the nutritive value of poor quality roughages.
Ans : NaOH / Urea
10.   Enlist the dietary essential vitamins for dairy cows.
Ans : Vitamin A, D and E
11.  Name sulfur containing amino acid.
Ans : Methionine and cystine
12.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in raw soybean.
Ans : Anti-trypsin
13.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in cotton seed cake.
Ans : Gossypol
14.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in salseed meal.
Ans : Tannin
15.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in water hyacinth.
Ans : Oxalates
16.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in Kokam seed cake.
Ans : Tannin
17.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in Mango seed kernel.
Ans : Tannin
18.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in linseed cake.
Ans : Linamarin
19.  Name anti-nutritional factor present in sugar cane tops.
Ans : Oxalates
20.  Write two examples of NPN sources.
Ans : Urea / Bi-urets /Amines/Amides/Nitrates/ Nitrites
21.  Protein sources for broiler starter.
Ans : Ground nut cake / Soybean meal / Fish meal
22.  Energy sources for broiler starter.
Ans : Maize / Jowar / Molasses/ Oils
23.  Give one example  each of wide and narrow nutritive ratio feed stuff.
Ans : Wide nutritive ratio : Straws/ Stovers
Narrow nutritive ratio : Oil seed cakes
24.  Give two examples of  feeding standards based on Net Energy content of feed.
 Ans :National Research Council standard / Morrison feeding standards
25.  Name two components of heat increment in animal body.
Ans :Heat of fermentation / Heat of nutrient metabolism/ Work of digestion
26.  Give  one important factor influencing M.F.N. excretion.
Ans : Dry matter intake
27.  State any one formula for estimating digestibility by indicator method.
Ans : Digestibility of nutrient
            =   100- ( 100 X  % indicator in feed  X  % nutrient  in feces )
                                             % indicator in feces             % nutrient in feed
28.   Name one of the terms used to express energy value of feed.
Ans : Metabolizable / Digestible / Net energy /  TDN.
29.  Name two mineral supplements.
Ans : Limestone powder/ Di-calcium phosphate.
30.  Give two examples of comparative  feeding standards.
Ans : Hay standard and  Scandinavian feed unit standard
31.  Give two examples of unconventional feed resources.
Ans : Mango seed kernel / Kokam seed cake / Rubber seed cake / Niger seed cake.
32. Give two examples of methods of poultry feeding.
Ans  : Mash feeding / Pellet feeding  / Restricted feeding
33. Give two examples of unconventional feed resources with their anti-nutritional factor .Ans : Mangoseed kernel : Tannin
         Kokam seed cake : Tannin
         Water  hyacinth  : Oxalic acid
34.Name two calcium sources used in preparing mineral mixture.
Ans :Limestone / Dicalcium phosphate
35.Write two purified sources of protein.
Ans : Casein, Albumin
36.Write down the formula for nutritive ratio.
Nutritive Ratio = (%DEE´2.25) + % DNFE+ % DCF
37.Name the skin abnormality observed in growing pigs due to zinc deficiency in ration.
Ans : Parakeratosis
38. State the rate of milk feeding in general to growing calves during , first two weeks of life.
Ans : One tenth of body weight of calve.
39. Name the mineral, the deficiency of which,  causes milk fever in high yielding cows.
Ans : Calcium
40.Write the anti-nutritional factor present in Babul seed powder.
Ans : Tannin
41. Name anti-nutritional factor present in Guar meal.
Ans : Anti-trypsin, Gum
42. Give an example for non-conventional  energy supplement.
Ans ; Salssed meal / Tapioca thippi
43.State best period of feeding and scale of feeding of colostrums in new born calf.
Ans : Within 24 hrs after birth.
          One tenth of body weight
44.State two energy concentrate source of plant origin used in buffalo.
Ans : Maize grain / Jowar grain/ Rice kani
45.Write the contribution of the following scientists in developing feeding standards
a. Albert Thaer : Hay Equivqlent
b. Emilvon Wolff : Feeding standards based on digestible nutrients.
c. Haecker :  Feeding standards based on quantity and quality of milk.
d.Savage : Out of total dry matter requirement two third requirement of dry matter should be met by feeding  roughages and  remaining one  third from concentrates.
e. Armsby : feeding standards based on Net Energy values and true protein.

 Give reasons

1. Colostrum is superior than milk in its nutritive value.
Ans : Colostrum provides  immuno-globulin to new born.
2.Vitamin D supplements are not dietary essential for growing animals in tropical countries.
Ans :  By irradiation , the 7- dehydrocholesterol present in the skin is converted into Vitamin – D3 .
3. In poultry ME requirements are approximately 18 % higher than the NE requirements . Why ?
Ans : Specific Dynamic Action of feed ( carbohydrates, fat, protein is 18% )
4.Simple chemical analysis is incomplete measure to evaluate nutritive value of feed.
Ans : Simple chemical analysis of feed does not gives any idea regarding digestibility of feed . 
5. Vitamins of  B-complex group are added to poultry feeds but not cattle feeds.
Ans :  Cattle can synthesize all the  B-complex group of vitamins with the help of rumen micro-organisms present in the rumen .
6. Antibiotics are not added to cattle feeds.
Ans : Antibiotics suppress the rumen micro-flora.
7. The maintenance requirement of milch cow is 10-15 % higher than that of dry cows , Why ?
Ans : Basal Metabolic Rate  of milch cow is higher.
8. Chicken require glycine also as essential amino acids . Why ?
Ans : Glycine is required for bio-synthesis of uric acid., fat, protein ) is 18%. 

Answer the following

1. State the DCP and TDN requirement for maintenance for 400 kg cow as feeding standard.
2.Name the minerals which if deficient are responsible for lactation tetany and milk fever in bovines.
3. State requirement of TDN and DCP for 4% FCM production as per feeding standard in crossbred
4. State two important limiting essential amino acids in layer diet.
5.Give two examples of  by product from sugar industry.
6.State the efficiency of conversion of gross energy of feed into milk and egg production.
7. Give two examples of sulfur containing amino acid important in feeding of sheep.
8.State one essential amino acid and one done trace mineral concern with healthy wool production.
9. State two examples of un-conventional vegetable protein source.
10. State two examples of un-conventional vegetable energy source.
11. State two examples of un-conventional animal origin protein source.
12.State deficiency factor responsible for piglet anemia.
13.Write two purified sources of protein.
14.Name two laboratory animals used in nutritional trials.
15. Give example of calcium supplement in poultry ration.

Answer key:
1.DCP—0.254 kg, TDN- 3.03 kg
2. Magnesium, Calcium
3. DCP—0.045 kg, TDN- 0.32 kg
4. Methionine, Lysine , Threonine
5. Molasses, Bagasse
7.  Methionine and Cystein
8.  Methionine and Cysteine, Copper and Cobalt
9.  Niger seed cake, Kokam seed cake
10. Mango seed kernel, Salseed meal, Tapioca thippi
11.  Feather meal, Hatchery waste, Blood meal, Frog meal
12. Iron
13. Casein and  Albumin
14. Rat , Mice, Rabbit, Guinea pig
15. Dicalcium phosphate, Lime stone powder, Shell grit, Bone meal, Deflourinated rock phosphate.


State whether true or false

1.      Straws are less digestibility than hays. (True )
2.      The collection period in ruminant is of longer duration than in pigs and poultry. ( True )
3.      Heat increment is more on high roughages feeding. (True )
4.      Addition of molasses or grains to a ration containing urea , helps in better utilization of urea by animal. (True )
5.      Cobalt mineral is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B12. ( True )
6.      Cooking of grains does not increase its digestibility in ruminants. ( True)
7. Maintenance ration is given for rapid weight gains. ( False )
Corrected : Maintenance ration is given for maintenance of body.
7.      Colostrum is more valuable in newborn calves for its sugar content. (False)
Corrected : Colostrum is more valuable in newborn calves for its antibody  content. 
8.      CP content is more than DCP content of same feed. ( True )
9.      Efficiency of conversion of feed to animal origin products is more in broiler birds than the layers. ( True )
10.  Rate of excretion of MFN is controlled by DM intake by the animals. (True )
11.  Antibiotic type feed additives are objected for its side effects. ( True )
12.  Green berseem should be fed ad libitum to high yielding cows without supplementing any dry roughages. (False )
Ans : Green berseem should be fed ad libitum to high yielding cows by  supplementing any dry roughages
13.  Crude fibre is one of the chief constitute of wool.(False)
Ans : Protein is one of the chief constitute of wool.
14.  Young animals make more efficient gains than do older animals. (True)
15.  A cow on a ration low in calcium will produce milk, which is lower in this mineral. ( False )
Ans : A cow on a ration low in calcium will produce milk, which is  not lower in this mineral.
16.  Energy is the principle requirement for fattening. ( True )
17.  A cow on a ration low in quality of protein  will produce milk, which is low in protein quality.(False )
Corrected  : A cow on a ration low in quality of protein will produce milk which is not low in protein quality.

18.  Almost all the farm produced feeds should be supplemented with salt for livestock  . ( True )
19.  Extra feeding of pregnant cows should be done after nine months of pregnancy. ( False )
Corrected : Extra feeding of pregnant cows should be done after six months of pregnancy.
20.  Crude fibre in adult pigs diet must not be more than 15%. ( True )
21.  Casein is used as purified protein source in nutritional experiments.         ( True )
22.  Methionine is essential amino acid for poultry. (True )
23.  Mode of action  of antibiotics and probiotics is  same when used as feed additives. (False )
Corrected : Mode of action  of antibiotics and probiotics is not same when used as feed additives.
24.  Fish meal is used in poultry mainly for its  good quality protein. ( True )
25.  Vitamin D supplements in feed is not required for layer  poultry  bird. ( False )
Corrected : Vitamin D supplements in feed is  required for layer  poultry  bird.
26. Probiotics are feed additives generally preferred more than antibiotics in feeding of farm animals. (True )
27.Level of DM intake of the animals has no effect  on the rate of excretion of MFN. 
 ( False )
Corrected : Level of DM intake of the animals has effect  on the rate of excretion of MFN.
28.Di-calcium phosphate is good source of calcium and phosphorus minerals . (True )
29.LSP is a good source of calcium. (True )
30.Starch equivalent value indicates fat producing power of the feed stuff. (True )
31. Level of DM intake by the animal influences its EUN value . (False )
Corrected : Level of DM intake by the animal influences its MFN value .
32.Pregnancy allowance should be fed during last trimester of gestation. ( True )
33. Total nutrient requirement  during last three months of pregnancy  is less than maintenance allowance of the animal. (False )
Corrected : Total nutrient requirement  during last three months of pregnancy  is more than maintenance requirement of the animal.
34.Ruminants getting ad lib green fodder in their ration are required to be supplemented with vitamin -A. (False )
Corrected : Ruminants getting ad lib green fodder in their ration are not required to be supplemented with vitamin -A. 
35. Vitamin -D is not dietary essential for grazing animal in tropical country.(True )
36.Colostrum is more valuable for its immunoglobulin content . (True )
37.. Feed conversion of layers  is less than broilers. (True )
38. Rabbit is herbivores laboratory animals. (True )
39. Poultry feeds without animal protein source can be prepared. (True )
40. For better utilization Semisolid feed should be given to the pigs. (True )
41. Microbial proteins are deficient In Methionine and lysine. (True )
42.NRC feeding standards are not suitable for Indian (Zebu) cattle. (True )

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