
Wednesday 22 May 2013



On the basis of important finding of study following conclusions were drown:
1.    The study reveals that majority of respondents belong to medium category of age, education, family size, herd size, daily milk production, daily milk sale, annual income, experience in dairy farming, information utilization sources, knowledge and  information needs about improved dairy management practices and also about the extent of decision making towards dairy improved dairy management practices. Hence, adult & experienced tribal women were must given special preference to successful implementation of dairy enterprises related programmes.

2.    The independent variable such as age, land holding, annual income, daily milk production, experience in dairy enterprises and knowledge were positively significant with dependent variable i.e. decision making towards dairy improved dairy management practices. Thus, it is recommended to conduct need oriented, knowledge and skill based extension education programmes which will be helpful to tribal dairy women in decision making towards improved dairy management practices.

3.    Study of time utilization pattern of tribal women shows that majority of respondents (43.99%) spent time from 31 to 60 min/day for the different improved dairy management practices under breeding, feeding, health care, management and marketing activities. This make them major work force working in tribal area dairy enterprises.

4.    In decision making it was found that most of the respondents consult with others before making decision towards the improved dairy management practices. This show the collective decision making pattern between male and female member of tribal family.
5.    To overcome the constraints, it is highly needed to provide proper training and technical guidance facility along with the availability of basic facility for these tribal women towards improved dairy management practices.

6.    The present investigation will be useful as a guideline for cattle owners, extension workers, policymakers, planners and other investigated agencies.
Suggested area for future research:
1.  The present research work has been conducted in the Amravati district, within time, resources and other limitations of researcher. Recombination, refinement, adoption of technology, communication and feedback, effect of demonstration etc. are the suggested area for future research.
2.  Critical analysis of some more independent and dependent variables may be studied in detail for future research. The emphasis must be given on socio-economic upliftment of tribal people.
3.  Further research on the economic, demonstration & training basis should be done to find out impact of improved dairy management practices in dairy production with the increasing participation of tribal women in decision making.

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